All-star Panel Charts a New Course for Disaster Preparedness

Last week, the Consortium hosted the final of three lectures on Emerging Diseases in a Changing Environment, featuring Dr. Julie L. Gerberding, MD, MPH, FACP. Dr. Gerberding is Executive Vice President at Merck and the former Director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). In her talk, she described what she's learned about emergency preparedness through responses to anthrax, SARS and other biothreats, and proposed steps that should be taken to improve such responses.

FDA Approves Direct-to-Consumer Genetic Tests

In a turnaround for the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), the agency has announced it will "allow a company to sell genetic tests for disease risk directly to consumers," according to the New York Times23andMe, a private genomics and biotechnology company based in Mountain View, California, pioneered products to allow customers to learn about their genome without the involvement of a doctor, genetic counselor

Video Available for Lecture on the Past, Present, and Future of the Affordable Care Act

Given the drama of the past several weeks, during which Congress wrestled with repealing, replacing or reforming the Affordable Care Act (ACA), it's an opportune time to look at the trajectory of that legislation. On March 23, the seventh anniversary of the ACA's signing, the former General Counsel for the US Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), William B.