Turner Warns of Explosive Growth in Bogus Stem Cell Therapies

According to Wired magazine, "Since the mid-2000s, clinics have been selling expensive, unproven stem-cell treatments to any patient desperate enough to believe their claims of cures for everything from arthritis to autism." These clinics have "been tied to serious infections, several cases of blindness, and one patient’s death." Leigh Turner, a professor at the Ce

CSH Offers Wide Variety of Wellbeing Resources

The Earl E. Bakken Center for Spirituality and Healing (CSH), a Consortium member, is among the nation's leading institutions dedicated to research-based approaches to integrative health and healing. CSH is an interdisciplinary unit of the University's Academic Health Center, School of Nursing, Medical School, College of Veterinary Medicine, College of Pharmacy, School of Public Health, and School of Dentistry.

Applications Being Accepted for New Food Systems Leadership Program

The University of Minnesota Twin Cities has launched the Integrated Food Systems Leadership program (IFSL) designed for working professionals to help bridge the gap between traditional food system education and professional leadership programs. The IFSL program is a graduate-level certification that provides a broader knowledge of how the food system is interconnected – from farm to fork – while promoting critical thinking and problem solving across disciplines.

June 20 is Deadline for MnDRIVE Bioremediation Grant Proposals

MnDRIVE Environment invites proposals from University of Minnesota faculty for Industrial Partnership Bioremediation Seed Grants; deadline is June 20, 2019. The goal of the seed grant program is to improve bioremediation/biodegradation strategies and their industrial applications through improved understanding, augmentation, or alteration of microorganisms or microbial communities.

International Germline Editing Commission Launched

The US National Academies of Science, Engineering and Medicine and the Royal Society of the UK have announced the formation of an expert group to develop a framework to guide scientists, clinicians and regulators in their use of human germline genome editing. According to the release, "The commission is the latest action from the international science community to address issues around human genome editing.