June 20 is Deadline for MnDRIVE Bioremediation Grant Proposals

Friday, May 24, 2019

MnDRIVE Environment invites proposals from University of Minnesota faculty for Industrial Partnership Bioremediation Seed Grants; deadline is June 20, 2019. The goal of the seed grant program is to improve bioremediation/biodegradation strategies and their industrial applications through improved understanding, augmentation, or alteration of microorganisms or microbial communities. Faculty research may include basic and applied components, though preference will be given to translational research using microorganisms in environmental cleanup. Only new projects will be considered and seed grant funds may not be used to support existing studies. Applications should emphasize relevance to Minnesota’s industry and environment. Learn more here. Minnesota’s Discovery, Research, and InnoVation Economy (MnDRIVE) is a partnership between the University of Minnesota and the State of Minnesota that aligns areas of research strength with the state’s key and emerging industries; focus areas include Robotics, Global Food, Environment, Brain Conditions and Cancer Clinical Trials.