DeBruin, Wolf to Co-Lead Minnesota COVID Ethics Collaborative

Profs. Debra DeBruin and Susan M. Wolf will co-lead the statewide Minnesota COVID Ethics Collaborative (MCEC), which supports sound ethical policy related to the COVID-19 pandemic. The collaborative is a joint venture of the Minnesota Department of Health, the State Health Care Coordination Center, Minnesota Hospital Association, and the University of Minnesota.

The Power and Perils of Research Data: Generating, Storing, and Sharing Data Responsibly

Register now for the 2020 Research Ethics Conference. Hear from top national experts on the legal, bioethical, and policy issues in research with all data types – issues in data collection, analysis to ensure replicability, storage, and sharing. Join us to consider data ethics, communication, and digital privacy.

Welcoming New Director of Strategic Communications & Outreach

The Consortium of Law and Values is pleased to welcome Matt Tveter as our new Director of Strategic Communication and Outreach. Matt holds a master’s degree in Strategic Communication from the University’s Hubbard School of Journalism & Mass Communication. He brings 15 years of experience in strategic planning, customer research, communications, and project management. Prior to joining the Consortium, he worked for the University's Academic Support Resources unit. His work focused on enhancing systems and processes to support students on all system campuses.

Now Accepting Applications: 2019-20 Consortium Research Awards

The Consortium provides funding for intramural projects related to the societal implications of problems in health, environment, and the life sciences. Grants will be awarded in the spring 2020 to University of Minnesota graduate and professional students for work during the Summer 2020 and academic year 2020-21. Student organizations may also apply for these grants. A total of $35,000 is available with a maximum individual award of $7,000.