Jeff Kahn (Center for Bioethics)
Barbara Koenig (Mayo Clinic)
Susan M. Wolf (Consortium on Law and Values in Health, Environment & the Life Sciences)
This collaborative project involving the Center for Bioethics and the Consortium on Law and Values in Health, Environment & the Life Sciences at the University of Minnesota and the Biomedical Ethics Research Program of the Mayo Clinic, hosted Prof. Zach W. Hall, PhD, founding President of the California Institute for Regenerative Medicine (CIRM) as the Oscar M. Ruebhausen Visiting Professorship in Bioethics. Dr. Hall visited both institutions for one week, providing two major lectures ("Stem Cell Research: At the Intersection of Science, Politics, Law and Culture" at the University of Minnesota and Grand Rounds at the Mayo Clinic). He participated in a number of additional events at both institutions, including a live hour-long interview with Minnesota Public Radio (MPR); meetings with University of Minnesota Stem Cell Advisory Board, and faculty, administrators, and law and graduate students at the University of Minnesota. At the Mayo Clinic, Dr. Hall met with stem cell researchers, medical students, graduate students, and institutional leadership. In addition, Mayo Clinic collaborated with the University of Minnesota Rochester in an evening public panel, including commentators from disability law, bioethics, the Minnesota state legislature. Dr. Hall published an article in the Minnesota Journal of Law, Science & Technology in Winter 2009 based on these presentations.