
One of the Consortium's primary goals is to produce original intellectual work on the societal implications of biomedicine and the life sciences and we have published widely in areas such as genetics, genomics, and nanomedicine. For example, in April 2012, Genetics in Medicine published a special issue and consensus article from the Consortium that offered the first recommendations on whether and how to discuss individual research results and incidental findings with people who contribute their specimens and data to biobanks and archived data sets.

Below, you can access and download the many symposia and articles generated by the grants we've been awarded.

Published symposia resulting from research

Individual Articles and Publications

Lupia A, Allison DB, Jamieson KH, Wolf SM. Trends in U.S. Public Confidence in Science and Opportunities for Progress. The Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 2024;121(11):1-9.
Wolf SM, Green RC. Return of Results in Genomic Research Using Large-Scale or Whole Genome Sequencing: Toward a New Normal. Annual Review of Genomics and Human Genetics 2023;24:4.1-4.22.
Ennis JS, Riggan KA, Nguyen NV, Kramer DB, Smith AK, Sulmasy DP, Tilburt JC, Wolf SM, DeMartino ES. Triage Procedures for Critical Care Resource Allocation During Scarcity. JAMA Network Open 2023;6(8):1-12.
Han Z, Rao JS, Gangwar L, Namsrai BE, Pasek-Allen JL, Etheridge ML, Wolf SM, Pruett TL, Bischof JC, Finger EB. Vitrification and Nanowarming Enable Long-Term Organ Cryopreservation and Life-Sustaining Kidney Transplantation in a Rat Model. Nature Communications 2023;14:3407.
Kimberly WT, Sorby-Adams AJ, Webb AG, Wu EX, Beekman R, Bowry R, Schiff SJ, de Havenon A, Shen FX, Sze G, Schaefer P, Iglesias JE, Rosen MS, Seth KN. Brain Imaging With Portable Low-Field MRI. Nature Reviews Bioengineering 2023;1:617–630.

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