Training Helps Health Care Providers Advise their Patients on Fish Consumption

Healthy Fish Choices, an EPA-funded online course, offers training for health care providers and public health workers who want to spread the word about the safest way to consume fish in the face of concerns about the environmental health impacts of toxic chemicals. The research-based curriculum was developed as part of the USDA's 2015-2020 Dietary Guidelines for Americans, which recom

'Motor Mouth' Helps Food Companies Test New Versions of Products

A robot originally built by University of Minnesota dentistry professor Ralph DeLong to test dental restoration materials is now being used by food companies to evaluate new versions of existing products. In response to consumer demand for healthier ingredients, many food items are being made with less sugar, salt, or without artificial coloring. But, as DeLong notes, “Sugar doesn't just make a product sweet and salt doesn't just make it salty.

Cesarean Babies Benefit from Exposure to Mother's Microbiome

New research led by Dr. Maria Gloria Dominguez-Bello indicates a promising new therapy for babies born by c-section. Cesarean infants typically have less diverse microbiomes when compared to babies born vaginally, a factor associated with increased risk for immune and metabolic disorders. In the study, described in Nature Medicine, infants delivered by c-section were swabbed with their mothers' vaginal fluids immediately upon being born.