Watershed Innovations Grants Program Accepting Proposals

The Water Resources Center (WRC) and its partners are requesting proposals for the Watershed Innovations (WINS) program. The WINS program supports researchers as they address important water resource issues in Minnesota, collaborate with interdisciplinary partners, educate students and researchers, and find outside sources for funding. Awards will support salary for a 0.5 FTE graduate research assistant for 24 months, plus up to $5,000 per year for student professional development and research-related costs. Proposals are due November 1, 2021.

Consortium Chair Susan Wolf Named Regents Professor

The University of Minnesota Board of Regents recently granted Consortium Chair Susan Wolf the highest level of recognition given to University faculty by naming her a Regents Professor. Prof. Wolf is an internationally recognized scholar in law, biomedicine, and bioethics. Her groundbreaking work has addressed issues including patients’ rights and health care, research with human participants, developing biomedical technologies for the public good, and equity in genomics and precision medicine. 

CTSI to Offer Workshop on Multi-Site Trail Regulations

Join the Clinical & Translational Science Institute (CTSI) on Wednesday, June 2 from 12:30 - 1:30pm Central time for “Taming the regulatory beast in federal and other multi-site trials.” Panelists will discuss NIH/Common Rule requirements for a single IRB in multi-site research, the responsibilities of the lead Principal Investigator of a multi-site trial, and what the FDA will expect of Sponsor-Investigators.

Remembering Deborah Swackhammer, Inaugural Director of the Institute on the Environment

Professor Deborah Swackhammer, inaugural director of the University of Minnesota’s Institute on the Environment and an early and influential member of the Consortium, passed away April 23. Prof. Swackhammer is remembered as a visionary who built lasting connections across the University of Minnesota system and as an internationally recognized researcher and scholar.