Consortium Research Award Recipients Announced

Monday, March 26, 2018

The Consortium has announced the successful applicants for this year's research grants. Five graduate students at the University of Minnesota were awarded a total of $31,285 to support research and writing occurring during summer, 2018 or academic year 2018-19. This year's applicant pool was particularly robust; 45 proposals related to the societal implications of problems in health, environment, and the life sciences were submitted by students in 34 programs across the University. The topics of research being supported by the Consortium in this round include vaccine acceptance among future healthcare providers in Uganda; the intersection of gender capabilities and biodiversity in ecosystem-based approaches to climate change adaptation; evaluating ecosystem services provided by urban agriculture in Minneapolis/St. Paul; the emergence of primary care as a specialty; and ethics, choice and care in Serbian oncology wards. Next year's request for proposals will be announced in early November, 2018; please check this website at the time for details. Learn more about the grants program here