Micromagnetic Activation of Neurons Takes Aim at Neurological Disorders

Microcoil Array
May 23, 2024

University of Minnesota Stem Cell Institute faculty members Walter Low, PhD (Neurosurgery) and Susan Keirstead, PhD (Integrative Biology and Physiology), together with Jian-Ping Wang, PhD (Electrical and Computer Engineering), and Theoden Netoff, PhD (Biomedical Engineering), are among a team of researchers developing microcoil array technology that can precisely apply micromagnetic stimulation to individual neurons. The technology could enable highly targeted therapeutic applications for treatment of neurological disorders in the future. Their research is described in a new publication, Planar Microcoil Arrays for In Vitro Cellular-Level Micromagnetic Activation of Neurons, which appears in the latest edition of the Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology B. The team’s work also was highlighted in a feature story posted on the AIP Publishing website. The Stem Cell Institute is a Consortium Member Center.