Prof. Richard R. Sharp, PhD
Baylor College of Medicine
Tuesday, November 5, 2002 - 1:15pm to 2:15pm
Room 25, Mondale Hall, University of Minnesota Law School
Professor Sharp explored ethical and policy issues raised by the application of genomic technologies to risk assessment and environmental regulation. He argued that the policy dilemmas introduced by toxicogenomic technologies differ from other policy challenges more familiar to environmental policy makers. He suggested that policy makers are largely unprepared for this "brave new world" of toxicogenomics and the hazards that it may introduce. Prof. Sharp highlighted discriminatory threats posed by the application of genomic technologies in the workplace, considered how the ability to detect genetic susceptibilities to environmental diseases may impact assignments of responsibility for poor health outcomes, and explored whether considerations of social justice argue against the development of toxicogenomic technologies.
1 CLE credit has been approved