Spotlight on Emerging Legal Approaches to Cyborgs, Biohacking

Thursday, October 4, 2018

A recent Star Tribune profile of Frances Shen, JD, describes his work in neurolaw, a field he has pioneered. Prof. Shen, an affiliate member of the Consortium, focuses on the intersection of brain science, law and policy. In his research, he uses advances in scanning and other technology to better understand the connections between the brain and human behavior. He notes, “Seeing the world through brain circuitry is a really foundational shift, not just for law, but for policy. . . . A hundred years ago we just had to guess how the mind was working. And we still have to make a lot of guesses. But we know a lot more than we did . . . and it would be nice if the law caught up.” Another take on emerging technologies and the law will be presented by Lisa Ikemoto, JD, LLM (University of California, Davis) on April 3, 2019. Her lecture, "Biohacking and Cyborg RightS: Coping with Promise and Peril," will describe the work of citizen scientists and others who are working outside of academic and institutional labs to enhance human capacity. Prof. Ikemoto will examine the implications of "cyborg rights" for law and for defining the human. Her lecture is part of a series, Consumer-Driven and DIY Science. Learn more and register here