Remembering Dr. John Song

Friday, March 1, 2019

With great sadness, we note the passing of Prof. John Song, MD, MPH, MAT, a faculty member in the University's Center for Bioethics and Department of Medicine. Dr. Song was an exemplary physician, bioethicist, and human being – a crucial member of the University’s ethics community. The Center for Bioethics memorial notes his "staunch advocacy for disadvantaged people, compassionate care for all, devoted mentorship for students, and generous collegiality." Prof. Song joined the University faculty in 2000, where his clinical practice and research reflected his strong commitment to meeting the health care needs of homeless people, including conducting groundbreaking research focusing on end-of-life care and homelessness. He founded the Phillips Neighborhood Clinic in Minneapolis, was faculty advisor to the Interprofessional Street Outreach Program, and served as Director of Graduate Studies at the Center for Bioethics. The University’s Clinical and Translational Science Institute (CTSI) has established a new award for excellence in John’s honor. Consortium chair Susan Wolf reflects that, “John’s passing is a profound loss to us all. The memory of his extraordinary commitment and caring, his deep engagement with ethics, and his tremendous kindness will live on.” The Star Tribune obituary can be read here.