Recall of Medical Devices Needs to be More Timely

Monday, February 20, 2017

A new study by Consortium collaborator Kingshuk Sinha illustrates troubling lags in the recall of flawed medical devices. In the paper, Prof. Sinha, a professor in the University of Minnesota's Carlson School, "applied digital analytics to millions of medical device product reports and recall records" to reveal what Sinha calls "under-reaction bias," according to the Minneapolis Star Tribune. The article details efforts by the Food and Drug Administration to use data-mining to improve surveillance of health technology. However, despite robust evidence that problem devices can have significant negative health effects, such adverse-event reports aren't consistently sought or entered into the federal tracking system, known as MAUDE. Prof. Sinha was one of the presenters in the recent Deinard Memorial Lecture on Law & Medicine, How Patients Are Creating Medicine’s Future, during which he shared Big Data and supply chain perspectives on health improvement; a video of that event can be viewed here