New Models for Funding Science Research Proposed

Friday, October 14, 2016

An article in The Conversation poses an urgent question: In light of declining federal support, is it time for a new funding model for scientific research in higher education? The answer, according to University of Minnesota Vice President for Research Brian Herman and Claudia Neuhauser, Associate Vice President for Research, is a resounding yes: "The hard fact is that there’s just not enough R&D money available to support the higher ed research capabilities our country has built." The dilemma, however, is that despite efforts to diversify funding sources to include business, philanthropy and other nonprofits, those types of partners rarely subsidize the basic research that "provides the necessary foundation for many of the products and services that contribute to the nation’s wealth." Herman and Neuhauser explore several solutions, including closer collaboration between research universities and radically redefining the "shared value" of research and development to both academic and private enterprise. Read the entire article here