2002-03 Awards

In Spring 2003, we issued 3 RFPs. One was for University of Minnesota faculty, one was for departments/programs/centers, and one was for graduate and professional students. We made 11 awards in 2002-03, for a total of $75,304.

The RFP for faculty invited proposals to fund research, projects, or curricular innovation on the societal implications of problems in health, environment, or the life sciences. We received 30 applications involving 32 faculty members from roughly 28 departments and programs. The Consortium made 3 awards:

  1. Connecting Biology, Personal Identity, and Law: An International View of Adoption as Case Study—Prof. Harold Grotevant (Dept. of Family Social Science) ($10,000 awarded);
  2. Local Impact of Health Reform—Prof. Connie Weil (Geography) ($9944 awarded); and
  3. Natives and Exotics: The Place of Biodiversity in an Urbanizing World—Prof. Dan Philippon (Rhetoric) ($10,000 awarded).

The RFP for programs/departments/centers invited proposals seeking matching funds for colloquia addressing the societal implications of problems in health, environment, or the life sciences. We made 4 awards: 

  1. Center on Women and Public Policy, Conference: After Birth: Policies for Healthy Women, Families and Workplaces—Profs. Sally Kenney, Director, and Pat McGovern ($5,000 awarded);
  2. Water Resources Center, workshops on The Economic and Social Power of Water: A Source of War or a Catalyst of Peace?—Profs. Deb Swackhamer and James Anderson, Co-Directors ($5000 awarded);
  3. Minnesota Center for the Philosophy of Science, lectures in the 2003-04 Studies of Science and Technology Colloquium Series—Prof. C. Kenneth Waters, Director ($5000 awarded); and
  4. WORLD Lysosomal Diseases Clinical Research Center, annual symposium of the WORLD Lysosomal Diseases Clinical Research Network, May 13-15, 2004—Prof. Chester Whitley, Director ($5000 awarded).

Graduate and Professional Students
The RFP to graduate and professional students was intended to provide a stipend for research and writing in the summer of 2003 or academic year 2003-04. We were delighted that the RFP stimulated 66 proposals from students in 38 programs around the University, including programs on the Duluth campus. Four awards were made:

  1. Managing Conflicts between Humans and Depredating Migratory Birds: An Interdisciplinary Critique of Federal Migratory Bird Policy—Collette Adkins Giese, PhD student, Conservation Biology, JD student, Law School ($6560 awarded);
  2. Natural World Heritage Sites: Whose Nature? Whose Heritage?—Helen Fisher, PhD student, Geography ($7000 awarded);
  3. Nature, Capital and Scale: Extending Intellectual Property Rights to Biological Resources—Sook-Jin Kim, PhD student, Geography ($6800 awarded); and
  4. Whose Water? Gender, Class and Environment in Water Resources Management in Bangladesh—Farhana Sultana, PhD student, Geography ($5000 awarded).