Terrorist Threats to our Food Supply: Food Protection and Defense-Science, Ethics & Law

food safety
April 21, 2006 - 8:30am to 4:45pm
Cowles Auditorium, Hubert H. Humphrey Center


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Agenda and Videos

Frank B. Cerra, MD, Senior Vice President for Health Sciences and McKnight Presidential Leadership Chair, University of Minnesota
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Background: From Food Safety to Food Protection and Defense
Robert L. Buchanan, PhD, Senior Science Advisor, Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition, Food and Drug Administration
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Questions and Answers

Role of Regulation: Information, Incentives & Penalties
Prof. Michael T. Roberts, JD, LLM, Research Associate Professor of Law and Director of the National Agricultural Law Center, University of Arkansas School of Law
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Questions and Answers


Industry Concerns: Cost, Liability & Competition
Clay Detlefsen, Vice President of Regulatory Affairs and Counsel, International Dairy Foods Association
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Questions and Answers

Consumer Perspectives on Food Protection and Defense
Caroline Smith DeWaal, JD, Director, Food Safety Program, Center for Science in the Public Interest
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Questions and Answers

Lunch in Humphrey Center Atrium
Public Health Response to Threats
Asha M. George, DrPH, MSPH Senior Associate, Homeland Security Strategy and Policy
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Modeling the Public Health System Response to a Terrorist Event
Prof. Donald W. Schaffner, PhD, Professor of Food Science, Rutgers University
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Questions and Answers

Roundtable on Moving Forward in Food Protection and Defense
Moderator: Shaun Kennedy, Deputy Director, National Center for Food Protection and Defense; Associate Director, Center for Animal Health & Food Safety, University of Minnesota
Gale Prince, Director of Corporate Regulatory Affairs, The Kroger Company and Vice Chair, International Association for Food Protection
Prof. Francis F. Busta, PhD, Director, National Center for Food Protection and Defense, University of Minnesota
Arthur P. Liang, MD, MPH, Director of the Food Safety Office, Centers for Disease Control  
Mark Wilson, PhD, Biology Program Manager, Chem/Bio Sciences Unit, Federal Bureau of Investigation   
Col. John Hoffman, Senior Research Fellow, National Center for Food Protection and Defense; and Center for Animal Health & Food Safety, University of Minnesota
Prof. Jeffrey P. Kahn, PhD, MPH, Director, Center for Bioethics, University of Minnesota
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Next Steps
Prof. Michael T. Osterholm, PhD, MPH, Director, Center for Infectious Disease Research and Policy (CIDRAP), University of Minnesota
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Prof. Susan Wolf, JD, Faegre & Benson Professor of Law, Law School; Medical School; Center for Bioethics; Director, Joint Degree Program in Law, Health & the Life Sciences; Chair, Consortium on Law and Values in Health, Environment & the Life Sciences, University of Minnesota
Shaun Kennedy, Associate Director for Administration, National Center for Food Protection and Defense; Associate Director, Center for Animal Health & Food Safety, University of Minnesota

Sponsored by the University of Minnesota's:

  • Consortium on Law and Values in Health, Environment & the Life Sciences
  • Joint Degree Program in Law, Health, & the Life Sciences
  • National Center for Food Protection and Defense
  • Center for Animal Health & Food Safety
  • Center for Infectious Disease Research & Policy (CIDRAP)
Academic Year
food safety