Study Finds Majority of US Public Accepting of Human-Animal Chimera Research

Tuesday, October 27, 2020

A new study finds that the US public is ready to accept human-animal chimera research. Although the National Institutes of Health placed a moratorium on funding this research in 2015, Japan lifted its ban last year. This new article reports on a survey of US public attitudes on chimera research, led by Drs. Andrew Crane, Francis Shen, and senior author Walter Low at the University of Minnesota. Prof. Shen is Professor of Law and an Affiliate Faculty member in the Consortium. Prof. Low is Associate Head for Research in the Department of Neurosurgery. Dr. Crane is a Postdoctoral Research Associate in Dr. Low’s lab. According to the study, 59% of respondents would accept a process for creating human tissue in a pig’s body, then transplanting that tissue to a human. Supporters include respondents who self-describe as religious or conservative. The study was published in the October 2020 issue of Stem Cell Reports.