Prof. Francis Shen Receives American Law Institute Early Career Scholars Medal

Tuesday, March 9, 2021

Professor Francis Shen of the University of Minnesota Law School has been awarded the Early Career Scholars Medal by the American Law Institute (ALI). According to Judge Diane P. Wood, who serves as the chair of the selection committee, “Francis has been a pioneer in establishing the interdisciplinary field of law and neuroscience. His research has helped lead to the better administration of justice in areas such as criminal and elder law, and it has been essential in developing tools to improve the legal system through the responsible use of neuroscientific evidence and neurotechnology.” Prof. Shen is a principal investigator for Highly Portable and Cloud-Enabled Neuroimaging Research: Confronting Ethics Challenges in Field Research with New Populations, a NIH-funded grant based in the Consortium on Law and Values, and is an affiliate faculty member of the Consortium. Read more here.