2014-15 Awards

The Consortium issued an intramural RFP to graduate and professional students in November, 2014 to graduate and professional students. The RFP was intended to provide a stipend for research and writing in the summer 2015 or academic year 2015-16. We were delighted that the RFP stimulated proposals from 34 students in 26 programs around the University.

Five awards were made for a total of $34,932:

  1. Antibiotic Resistance and Aquaculture in Chile: Bridging the Gap Between Science and Policy—Irene Bueno, PhD candidate, College of Veterinary Medicine and School of Public Health ($7,000 awarded). View Proposal   View Report   View article about project
  2. Introducing Community Lawyering into the Phillips Neighborhood Clinic’s Integrated Care Model—Catherine Ellis, Joint Degree Program student, Law School and School of Public Health; Michael Laird, JD student, Law; Katarina Lee, JD student, Law; Allison Rochford, JD student, Law; ($7,000 awarded). View Proposal   View Report   View article about project
  3. Healthy Honey Bees and Communities: Implementation Recommendations for Community Apiaries in Urban Neighborhoods—Ana Heck, MPP student, Humphrey School of Public Affairs ($6,985 awarded). View Proposal   View Report   View article about project   
  4. The Ethical, Medical and Legal Concerns of Uterine Transplantation in the United States’ Artificial Reproductive Technology Market—Katarina Lee, JD student, Law ($6,997 awarded). View Proposal   View Report   View article about project
  5. Measuring the Sea: Oceanography and the Problem of Maritime Sovereignty—Jessica Lehman, PhD candidate, Geography, Environment and Society ($6,950 awarded). View Proposal   View Report   View article about project